
DARWIN DAY 2019|自然の理(ことわり)というものが持つたのしさThe Delight Order of Nature Inspires 2

【【第3夜】“光文社古典新訳文庫”誕生秘話】2019年2月11日(月) 18:00〜20:00



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DARWIN DAY 2019|自然の理(ことわり)というものが持つたのしさThe Delight Order of Nature Inspires 2


会場 下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2F ラボ
住所 東京都世田谷区代沢5-31-8 グリーン沢2F    地図
料金制度 有料イベント
ジャンル >
タグ チャールズ・ダーウィン DARWIN DAY 進化論 最相葉月 増崎英明 篠田謙一 渡辺政隆 駒井稔 光文社古典新訳文庫
事務局 好奇心の森「ダーウィンルーム」    お問合せ ※当イベントは上記の事務局によって企画・運営されており、(株)こくちーずは関与しておりません
主催グループ 好奇心の森「ダーウィンルーム」


お知らせ|DARWIN DAY 2019のスペシャル4ナイトを開催

DARWIN DAY 2019                                          

[ 総合テーマ ]

The Delight Order of Nature Inspires

[ 概 容 ]

On February 12 in 1809, Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England,. On the Origins of Species published by Darwin in 1859 changed the world literally overnight and the impact has continued even now. Darwin’s birth day 12 February is the International Darwin Day. Special events are held to celebrate his achievement and to promote the sense of wonder around the world.
The main theme of this year’s Darwin Day event at the Liberal Arts Lab Darwin Room is “The Delight Order of Nature Inspires” It consists of four nights Darwin Discourse and mini exhibitions related to Darwin from February 9 to 12. The host of the talk events will be Professor Masataka Watanabe who is a leading Darwin researcher in Japan.

ホスト:渡辺 政隆さん
会 場:下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2Fラボ[下北沢駅南西口徒歩5分]
料 金:(各回) 一般 ¥2,500 大学生 ¥1,500 高校生以下 ¥1,000 税込/ドリンク付き
*WEB予約での当日のお申込みは受付が出来ませんので、恐れ入りますが、お電話でお申込みください。▶︎ダーウィンルーム 03-6805-2638

「胎児のはなし」最相 葉月さん+増崎 英明さん+渡辺 政隆さん
▶︎ 盛会のうちに終了
The First Night: 9 February 18:00~20:00
Stories of fetus
Hazuki Saisyou +Hideaki Masuzaki + Masataka Watanabe

会 場: 下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2Fラボ
料 金: 各回¥2,500 大学生¥1,500 高校生以下 ¥1,000 /ドリンク付き

Thanks to 2018 Darwin Day, Ms. Saisyou who has been interested in advanced reproductive medicine became acquainted with Dr. Masuzaki whose is a specialist of fetal medicine. They will publish a book about fetus together. They will talk about the wonder and preciousness of life and fetus.

「江戸の骨は語る」篠田 謙一さん+渡辺 政隆さん
▶︎ 【お早めにお申込みください】TEL 03-6805-2638/メール:darwinroom@me.com
The Second Night: 10 February 18:00 ~ 20:00
Testimony of the bones in Edo
Kenichi Shinoda + Masataka Watanabe

会 場: 下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2Fラボ
料 金: 各回¥2,500 大学生¥1,500 高校生以下 ¥1,000 /ドリンク付き

The Italian missionary Giovanni Sidcci had been caught confined in the Kirishitan House in Edo. A great scholar Hakuseki Arai who interrogated him took the delight Order of Nature revealed by Western science inspires. Three hundred years later, Sidocci’s remains were excavated. Dr. Shinoda, who carried out the DNA identification of the remains, will talk about the history of human beings coined in DNA.

「“光文社古典新訳文庫”誕生秘話」駒井 稔さん+渡辺 政隆さん
▶︎ 【受付中】TEL 03-6805-2638/メール:darwinroom@me.com

The Third Night: 12 February 18:00~20:00

The behind-the-scenes story of “Kobunsha Kotenshinyaku Books”
Minoru Komai + Masataka Watanabe

会 場: 下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2Fラボ
料 金: 各回¥2,500 大学生¥1,500 高校生以下 ¥1,000 /ドリンク付き

The key word of Kobunsha Koten Shinyaku Books is “in words that are alive and well now.” Mr. Komai who was the first editor-in-chief of the series is the founding father of the new Japanese edition of “On the Origin of Species.” He will talk about the behind-the-scenes story of “Kobunsha Kotenshinyaku Books.”

「ダーウィンさん誕生日おめでとう!」清水 隆夫+渡辺 政隆さん
▶︎ 【受付中】TEL 03-6805-2638/メール:darwinroom@me.com

The Fourth Night: 12 February 19:30~21:00
Happy Birthday Mr.Darwin !
Takao Shimizu + Masataka Watanabe

会 場: 下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2Fラボ
料 金: 各回¥2,500 大学生¥1,500 高校生以下 ¥1,000 /ドリンク付き

As Hakuseki opened his eye to Order of Nature by learning western science from Sidcci, we can take the delight of wisdom by learning again. We will talk about the mission of Darwin Room that provides the place and opportunities for learning liberal arts.
 * * *

Organized by Darwin Room

Co‒organized by Japanese Association for Science Communication (JASC)

【出演者プロフィール】 Host and Guests
渡辺 政隆(わたなべ まさたか Masataka Watanabe)
Masataka Watanabe is a Professor in the University of Tsukuba and the president of JASC. He has been a science writer and researched history of science and evolutionary biology for over 30 years. He is an author of six books and a co‒author of three books about history of science and evolutionary biology. He also translated over 50 English popular science books into Japanese including almost all books written by Stephen Jay Gould and The Origin of Species.

最相 葉月(さいしょう はづき Hazuki Saisyou
Hazuki Saisyou is a nonfiction writer. Her work covers from the relation between science and human, sports, to mental health. She has won a lot of literary awards.

増崎 英明(ますざき ひであき Hideaki Masuzaki
Dr. Hideaki Masuzaki is the head of Nagasaki University Hospital. He loves Darwin, Ogai Mori, Soseki Natsume, Bonsai deeply.

篠田 謙一(しのだ けんいち Kenichi Shinoda
Dr. Kenichi Shinoda is the vice president and the head of Department of Anthropology of National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan The main theme of his study is molecular anthropology. He published several books about human evolution and origin of Japanese.

駒井 稔(こまい みのる Minoru Koma
Minoru Komai founded Kobunsya Koten Shinyaku Books that is a series of new translation of classic literature. Many books of the series became best sellers, especially “The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He belongs to Kobun Foundation now.

清水 隆夫(しみず たかお Takao Shimizu
Takao Shimizu has started his career as a sportswear designer in U.S.A.. After his return to Japan, he joined a joint venture with YAMAHA Corporation as a chief designer and he planed and developed YAMAHA sportswear. He has also planed various brand strategies. He had started THE STUDY ROOM in 1995. That is a variety science goods shop chain and now he is the representative of liberal arts laboratory DARWIN ROOM.

【お申込み】 電話・メールかWEB予約でお願いします。
tel:03-6805-2638 mail:darwinroom@me.com
155-0032 世田谷区代沢5-31-8-101

ダーウィンデイ2016 『魅せられた航海~ダ―ウィンと進化論をめぐる四日間〜

ダーウィンデイ2017 『生物多様性に魅せられて~ダ―ウィンと進化論をめぐる3日間〜http://darwinroom.muse.weblife.me/list/cn38/pg636.html
進 化 論 に 魅 せ ら れ た 旅 The Journey Enchanted by Evolutionhttp://darwinroom.muse.weblife.me/list/cn38/pg682.html


〒155-0032 東京都世田谷区代沢5-31-8
電話 & FAX:03-6805-2638 メール:darwinroom@me.com

好奇心の森「ダーウィンルーム DARWIN ROOM」は、教養の再生(LIBERAL ARTS LAB)を理念に、選りすぐりの古書と動物剥製などの標本や、研究生活に便利な道具の販売と、専門家を招いたリベラルアーツ・カフェを行うユニークなショップ&ラボです。


下北沢・ダーウィンルーム2F ラボ東京都世田谷区代沢5-31-8 グリーン沢2F


イベントチケット 金額(税込) 状態
[第3夜]D-day2019_2/11[一般] ¥2,500 終了
[第3夜]D-day2019_2/11[大学生] ¥1,500 終了
[第3夜]D-day2019_2/11[高校生以下] ¥1,000 終了
募集期間:〜2019年2月11日(月) 18:00



